History of the
Gold and Silver
Violet Flame
The Gold and Silver Violet Flame
is one of the most powerful healing
and transformational tools that
we have been given.
It is a divine gift and
blessing and each time another
ray is added it becomes
more refined and gracious.
In Golden Atlantis the
Violet Flame was one of the powers
that people could access because
of its ability to transmute negativity,
especially in relationships.
So whenever a disagreement
of any sort took place the people
involved invoked the Violet Flame
and all the negativity was dissolved.
As Atlantis devolved,
the Violet Flame was misused,
so it was withdrawn.
Only a few esoteric groups retained
the understanding of it.
One was Elizabeth Clare Prophet
who wrote her lovely little book
Violet Flame to Heal Body,
Mind and Soul to keep
the knowledge of it alive.
The Violet Flame
of Transmutation
In 1987 the Earth started a
twenty five year period of purification
in preparation for 2012.
In August of that year at
the Harmonic Convergence
so many light workers prayed
for help for our planet that
St Germain petitioned Source
for the return of the
Violet Flame for use
by the whole of humanity.
The Silver Ray of
Grace and Harmony
In 1988 the Silver Ray of Grace
and Harmony merged with the Violet Flame.
When this is invoked negative energy
is transmuted,
then replaced with something
beautiful and harmonious.
The Gold and
Silver Violet Flame
In the last year we have
been offered the ultimate blessing,
the merging of the
fifth dimensional Gold Ray of Wisdom
with the Silver Violet Flame.
Wherever you focus the
Gold Silver and Violet Flame,
it transmutes the old,
harmonizes it,
then raises the situation,
place or relationship to
the fifth dimension and holds it there.
How you can invoke it?
You can invoke the
Gold and Silver Violet Flame
by calling it in aloud or mentally
or you can visualize it,
imagine or sense it
surrounding the place,
person or situation in question.
What you can use it for?
You can visualize it burning
up negativity in part of your body
or send it to someone who is sick.
You can send it to dissolve anything
that is holding you or a friend back.
Where there is disharmony in
relationships or between cultures,
invoke its transmuting, healing power.
Ask it to blaze a trail in front
of you purifying and
harmonizing your pathway.
Use it to transmute your own
or other people’s anger,
fear or negativity.
Send it to clear the energy
of war and disruption.
Picture it blazing wherever
there is need of cleansing.
Archangel Zadkiel
Archangel Zadkiel works with
St Germain as guardian of
the Violet Flame.
He looks after your Soul Star chakra,
which is about eighteen centimeters
above your crown and opens as
you expand your consciousness.
Visualizing the
Gold and Silver Violet Flame
within your Soul Star
will accelerate your ascension.
For more uplifting inspirations
come and visit this
wonderful place...