

Over the years , We have used many
natural products and
supplements to keep
Our Bodies happy and creative ...
however the Magic Friends that We
cannot live without are these
little white pills called " Tissue Salts " !

Alison Effting walked into Our Sanctuary
during a busy schoolholiday in 1996...
We were unable to chat then ,
but We did notice
 how shiny Her face was
and how good and healthy She looked !
Alison told Us briefly
about Her Tissue Salts
and ended up swopping
some Faeries for
Our first " treatment " with Her .
Wow ! We have never looked back !

We have cured many ailments , such as
Candida , Fibromyalgia ,
Ovarian cancer ,
Herpes , Hernia , Asthma , Gout ,
back injuries , severely torn arm muscles ...
( that Everyone insisted I needed an
operation to fix ! )
RSD ( which We caught early )
 Arthritis , Depression , Anxiety ,
 Scabies , Eczema ,
Severe Menstrual cramps and PMS ,
all Skin problems , including itches ,
pimples ,spider bites ,
 sun burn and rashes ....
and We never get
 " colds or flu " anymore !

Jethro and Tallulah ...
just over 2 yrs old ,
have never been " sick " as They
uses these salts ...
combined with other
Homeopathic remedies ,
for teething , fevers ,
to keep Their immune systems strong and
for general good health .
They have never been
 vaccinated or exposed to
chemical medications and junk food .
All Their " treats " come
from the " Health Bar "
and lots are Homemade using
carob ( instead of chocolate ) ...
fruit juices ( instead of sugar )
Their smoothies and Ice creams
are made with fruits and yoghurt .
They are joyful , jumpy , happy ,
creative , Loving and playful !
There are no " tantrums " caused
by sweetie overloads and
so We All enjoy
the Wonder and Magic of being
2yrs old with Them again !
We have explained to Jethro
all the dangers
of sugars and bright
 sweets in the shops ,
and He totally understands
and chooses His own health bars ,
fruits and nuts , and enjoys
baking and squeezing Juices with Us !
His favourite thing is to walk
 around the Garden
finding treats from the
" Fruit and veggie Faeries " !
He Loves these " salties "
and knows when
to take them and how many !

I live off no 6 , no 4 and
especially no 8 ,
to avoid muscle cramping while
creating with clay and
 on the computer ,
and do not go for a
" healing " massage anymore ..
massages are now just for treats !
And now that I am over 50 ,
 I take no 12 ( Silica )
for all round Well Being !
I use a " combination mix "
for menopause and
arthritis and never
experience muscle burns
or sharp pains anymore .
However I am very strict
about drinking water ,
jumping on the trampoline and
dancing for My exercise ...
( I have never
enjoyed exercising so had to
find a way to
trick myself into doing it ! hee ! hee !)
And of course ,
 Loving My Dear Husband ,
Ian , keeps the positive ,
healthy energy flowing !

Combined with Herbs , salads and
healthy cooking,
no sugars , caffeines ,
 chemicals or tobaccos ,
these little Salt Friends
 do wonders to keep
Us feeling , happy , shiny and bright !
You can find out more from Alison at ...
" AllisOne "

This incredible little Friend is full
of easy to read advice
and is available from